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Monday, June 29, 2009

Lily (Ballyboden) wrote her reflections on the Chapter

Augustinian Chapter June 2009
Lily (Ballyboden)
Secretary for the Augustinian Youth Commission of Ireland

This year the Augustinian Chapter was held in the University of Limerick and members of the Youth Commission also attended. We were there to represent the young people expressing their interest to be part of the order and to play a role in the chapter.
I think we all didn’t quite know what to expect or what was expected of us but we went down with open minds and hope that the order would support us and take well to the idea of youth ministry.

On Sunday two of us from Ballyboden (both members of the commission) travelled down to Limerick by bus, we arrived around 4 o’clock, and we got straight to work. After unpacking boxes and laying out the shop and all the friars had arrived, it was time for evening meal. After introducing ourselves to everyone and eating, it was back to the shop. We also set up the blog on a projection screen, the purpose of this was to show the friars how to use it and comment on things that different young people in the Augustinians parishes around the country had posted. Afterwards it was time for evening prayer; both I and Conall were invited to join in. I played a piece on the Harp and Conall read a reading. After evening prayer we left and met up with Niall (from Drogheda), we all had work to do that evening, in preparation for the next day.

The next morning we got up at 7:00 and were in the university by 8:30. We set up the shop, and the blog, just like the previous day. At 9 when the friars had Morning Prayer and meetings, the three of us left and sat outside ready to go back in when they had finished. But our work didn’t stop when we left the main hall; we still had work to be doing. Niall and Conall had to put the finishing touches to their report/presentation on the core team and what we had achieved, what we hope to achieve and what help we will need from the order to achieve these. I on the other hand had plenty to do with putting the finishing touches to the shop, I wrote out price cards for each items and between Conall and me we comprised a list of all items, the quantity of the items, and the cost. The purpose of this was so that whichever one of us was running the shop had a price list at the ready in case of any queries. After celebrating the Eucharist, which I played at, we headed of to lunch. When we had all finished, Noel, Niall and Conall all met to run over the report and I managed the shop. That afternoon our report was presented to the friars and I think we were all quite nervous and worried about whether it would be accepted or rejected. We were all really pleased to see that they accepted it and the support that they want to give us.

Tuesday was the day that the Youth Commission were responsible for organising the Eucharist for the Chapter. Not only was the commission involved but there was a presence from each of the Youth Groups around the country. That morning was busy spent practising music and placing all the signed certificates in a bucket covered with the Italian flag that all those who went on the pilgrimage to Italy in October 2009.Kevin from Galway on Jembe and Guitar, John from Ballyboden on Guitar, Myself on Harp and Niall on Violin played music that we had used during our pilgrimage, amongst a few instrumentals and Fr Haughey kindly played the parts of the mass on the keyboard.At the beginning of mass, just before the opening prayer we used a series of slides that challenged the friars to be aware of social justice. Niall accompanied this presentation with an instrumental on violin accompanied by Kevin on Jembe. During the offertory the collection of certificates of all those who expressed an interest in being involved in the Youth Ministry had signed were presented. Each prayer of the faithful was sent by the different Youth Groups in the 5 parishes that were involved in October. The mass was said by Fr Hyacinth who is the Provincial of Nigeria. He kindly thanked us for our presence and wished every blessing for us.

I cannot say much on the rest of the week as I was unable to stay. But Niall and Samantha from New Ross were both present until the end. Niall managed the blog and Samantha ran the shop.

Being involved with the chapter was both challenging and rewarding. It was challenging because there was always something that had be done and trying to get it all done was a task and also the days were quite long. The biggest reward for me was the support and gratitude we received from the friars and knowing that they too want us to be involved. Four years ago, when I was 15, I remember the priests from the parish telling us about the chapter and that it was held for a week and that it was the time were all the Augustinian community gathered that decided whether priests were moving to other parishes. With this picture in mind, I did not know quite what to expect, but I was pleasantly surprised to find it not to be a lecture room full of priests sitting talking for hours on end but it was a room that was very welcoming and open, were everyone could move around and talk to each other. I have to say I was very touched by the atmosphere that the friars gave us. I met many new faces and there wasn’t a dull moment from the moment I arrived to the minute I left and I would have loved to stay for the entire week had I been able to. I hope to be able to stay involved with the Augustinian Order for many years to come.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting account. I know that the friars were really pleased that the Youth Commission was present during the week. The shop was a huge success. It had books about Augustinian Spirituality which are really hard to find in Ireland and I know that the friars appreciated the fact that these things were being made available to them. It made such a difference to have someone friendly attending to the shop - normally it would have been me!!!
