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Monday, June 15, 2009

Some Material from Ballyboden Exam Mass

This is some of the material the Ballyboden Group used for their recent mass for those doing examinations. You might like to copy some of it for use in your own location:-

In Ballyboden parish a group of 6 people who travelled to Italy last October organised an exam mass in the church for the intentions of those doing exams. It was held in April to accommodate not just those sitting Junior or Leaving certificate exams but also those doing college exams as well as summer exams. It was incorporated into the normal 630 vigil mass. We all had different ideas and we did have some moments of conflict but we worked through them and compromised. Each person had at least two jobs. Between writing prayers of the faithful, making a box for intentions to be placed in, making the booklets and handouts, organising music to putting up posters there was plenty for everyone to do and everyone played a part. We handed booklets to each student as they entered the church that had many different prayers associated with exams and we also handed every member of the congregation a prayer for the intentions of those doing exams which the whole congregation said together at the end of mass led by a member of the group. We feel the mass was a success as students and their families did turn up, which we were glad to see. As in previous exam masses in our parish a few years ago have not been successful with very few turning up.

This is the prayer we handed to the congregation.

Prayer for those doing Exams.

Lord pour out Your spirit of Wisdom on those students doing exams.
Help them to remain calm, to attend carefully to the questions asked, to think clearly, to remember accurately and to express themselves well.
Grant that they may reflect the best of the work they have done and the best of teaching they have received.
Accept their best efforts in these examinations and in the great test of life on Earth.
May your love be upon them, O Lord, as they place their trust in you,

Prayer for Preparation to Study
Grant me peace, O God, as I open my books and notes. Open my mind to Thy will, and may I dedicate these hours to your Son, Jesus Christ.
Offer me insight, O Lord, that I might understand these things, and see them as a part of your Kingdom.
May I offer you my best in reading and learning that it may be a part of my discipleship.
O Jesus Christ, may this be a worthy time that is faithful to you and bring me closer to the goals I have in order to serve you. I offer this time and prayer in your holy Name. Amen.
Prayer Before an Exam
O wise God, I pray that my mind might be rested, my body energized, and my spirit inspired for the exam I must write.
Grant me peace and assurance so that I might do the best I am able, regardless of what that might be.
Be with my fellow students and may I be a good example to them, offering reassurance and confidence regardless of how I feel.
May I be honest and insightful, and able to give a true record of what I have learned. In the end, may any disappointment be born with grace, and any joy accompanied with humility.
Be with me in this exam, O Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Prayer for exam time
O God of Wisdom,
I thank you for the knowledge gained
and the learning experiences of this time.
I come to you on this day
and ask you to enlighten my mind and heart.
Let your Holy Spirit be with me
as I prepare for these exams,
guiding my studies, and giving me insight
so that I can perform to be best of my ability.
Please grant me the strength
to handle the pressure of these days of exams,
the confidence to feel secure in my knowledge,
and the ability to keep an appropriate
perspective through it all.
Help me to keep in mind what is truly important,
even as I focus my time and energy on these exams
Finally, may I sense your peace in knowing that I
applied myself to the challenges of this day.
I ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Prayer Before Exams
Dear Father, Source of all wisdom, help me to use my time and my intelligence wisely as I prepare for exams. Help me to dispose myself to listen to your Holy Spirit so that you, as my loving Father, may place me in a state of prayer and lead me to understand that the supreme wisdom is knowing I am your child. Help me to remain serene so that my work may truly reflect this profound truth Mary, Mother of my spiritual life, guide me in the ways of your Son, so that my work may help to transform this world for His glory. Amen

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