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Sunday, July 12, 2009

Belgian Creed

While on holidays in Brussels, myself and Niall (Galway) went to mass in a beautiful little church right in the middle of the main shopping area. It was beautiful to see how well prepared the liturgy was. I was very struck to see how the young people had been involved in the planning of the eucharist and also in assisting the congregation in celebrating it. One of the things that stood out for both of us was the beautiful creed which the whole congregation professed together. For those of you of a legalistic point of view it will be evident that this is not one of the two forms of the profession of faith that are officially recommended for use in the liturgy – however, both of us agree that this simple creed has challenged us and left us thinking. I share it with you hoping that it might also help you to reflect on your own faith.

This is my translation so if there is someone who has good French and would like to have a go I would be grateful.

The Creed

We believe in God.

Despite his silence and his mystery,
We believe that he is living.

Despite evil and suffering,
We believe that he made the world for happiness and for life.

Despite the limits of our reason and the resistance of our hearts
We believe that he is Father.

We believe in Jesus Christ.

Despite the centuries that separate us from him we believe in his Word.

Despite his weakness and his poverty,
we believe that his death is our life.

Despite our incomprehension and our refusal to believe
we believe in his resurrection.

We believe in the Holy Spirit.

Despite appearances, we believe that he guides the Church.

Despite the incredulity of the world,
we believe that he fosters through it the hunger for prayer, justice and love.

We also believe that God gives eternal life to all those who search for,
and believe in the name of, the Son of God.

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