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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Message from the Prior General - Fr. Bob Prevost OSA

During the recent Provincial Chapter of the Irish Province, I had the privilege of spending a sunny week with the many participants - mostly Augustinians who had come to Limerick from all over Ireland as well as from as far away as Kenya, Nigeria, Canada and Equador.

Besides the Augustinians, there were a number of young men and women who have become active in the Augustinian Youth Ministry in Ireland, and I must say that it was truly a great addition to the Chapter to have them with us. I want to thank those who were there for the contribution they made (no one slept through their presentations!), and I also want to encourage them in the commitment they have made, and to invite many other young people to give some thought to becoming a part of the Augustinian Youth Ministry. Congratulations to all of you, and I extend my prayers and support to you in the great contribution that you are making!

Your brother in St. Augustine,

Fr. Robert Prevost, O.S.A.
Prior General

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