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Sunday, September 20, 2009

Turlough gets the White Habit

Turlough, our student who has gone to the United States to continue his formation (see below on this blog) has just officially begun his novitiate which is a year dedicated to prayer and spiritual formation.

As a sign of this step he wears the white habit. He is now officially a member of the Order. Until now he was a Postulant which means someone who desires to join.

Augustinians used to wear a white habit indoors and put a black habit on over the white one when they left the house. Novices are restricted with regards to their movement since this is a very intense year. In times gone by novices would not have left the monastery and so, up to this day, the novice wears a white habit as a sign of being in this phase of his formation.

White habits are also worn by missioners in hot countries but this is simply due to the heat and sun which are easier to bear when wearing white.

Turlough is pictured below together with the others who are following the novitiate with him. They received the white habit last friday.

If you would like to greet Turlough why not place a comment on this post.

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