New website now live!!

Hi all,

We have finally moved to a new website:

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Monday, October 5, 2009

Numbers for International Youth Encounter

To date I have received messages from 12 people who have confirmed that they are interested in travelling to London for the International Youth Encounter next August. I plan to bring only one coach which means that places will be limited to a MAXIMUM of 52 people.

As well as the Festival the Irish group hope to visit Stratford Upon Avon and Liverpool - This will make it a nine night visit

Nobody is expected to pay anything at this stage although places will be reserved strictly on a first come - first served basis. The cost is likely to be in the region of 800-850 euros but there is still plenty of time for groups to do some fundraising.

I will continue to reserve places as i receive names so if you are interested in going please make sure that I have received your name - DO NOT RELY ON YOUR GROUP OR CORE GROUP REPRESENTATIVE TO COMMUNICATE THIS INFORMATION TO ME - THIS IS NOT THEIR JOB

After all, everyone is an adult and should speak for themselves (this is to avoid some of the confusion which was experienced in relation to the Italian trip)

Any questions should be sent directlyto me at the email address in the introduction section of this blog



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