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Saturday, June 27, 2009

Chapter News

Wednesday was focused on the inter-related themes of leadership and responsibility. Sean Ruth led us in an extended reflection about leadership which proved to be very interesting.
Group work focused on issues that the Irish Province should be considering devoting its energies to over the next four years.
We celebrated our eucharist on wednesday while focusing on the eleven Augustinians who had died since the last Chapter (ie over four years). This was characterised by a custom that has become a tradition in our Province. At the prayers of the faithful, as each man is prayed for, anecdotes about his life are shared which makes him very present to our gathering.
The afternoon was filled with a series of reports from commissions of the Province.
Thursday was focused on Mission and Ministry and the morning was dominated by reflection in groups.

In the afternoon the ministry currently being carried on in Orlagh was revisited (see link on the right hand side of this blog).
Mass was celebrated in our church in Limerick where the Provincial Council was officially installed by the Prior General.
Friday devoted to further discussion of the ministry in Orlagh and a distinction was made between the ministry which received unanimous support and the location about which there was not agreement.
During the eucharist we signed the Acts of the Chapter (a full account of the events covered and talks given) as our official record of the week.
Then came the tidying up and an almighty yawn as everyone realised just how tired they were after a very full week.

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