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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Chapter News

Tuesday was the day that the Youth Commission were responsible for organising the Eucharist for the Chapter. Kevin from Galway, Lily from Ballyboden, John from Ballyboden and Niall from Drogheda did a wonderful job on the music and used some of the music that had been used during the pilgrimage to Italy.
At the penetential rite we used a series of slides that challenged the friars to be attentive to social justice.
The prayers of the faithful presented everyone with a very striking moment. Each one of the current active groups sent a prayer to the chapter and these were read out. At the offertory a basket wrapped in the Italian flag - signed by all those who had participated in the pilgrimage was presented containing the certificates that all those who expressed an interest in being involved in the Youth Ministry had signed.
At communion time we enjoyed a slide show of young people from around the world involved in working to help those less fortunate.

The mass was presided over by Fr Hyacinth who is the Provincial of Nigeria. He expressed his appreciation for the presence of the Youth Commission and wished every blessing for us.

In the afternoon Niall from Drogheda gave a very impressive response to the theme for the day which was about Relevance and Resources. He challenged the Augustinians to use their resources - personal, creative and financial to support those who wished to be involved in the project of Church. He also told the friars that the youth wanted to engage with them but that it sometimes seemed that the friars were unsure how to approach young people.
Well Done Niall - your presentation has provoked a lot of interest and discussion which will be both challenging and fruitful in the future.

A very busy day but very worthwhile - The Augustinians are effusive in their praise and gratitude to the Youth Commission members who have already contributed so much to the chapter.


  1. Well done to all concerned with the Youth Commission and your contribution to the Chapter. You seem to have seized the opportunity with open minds and hearts and I pray for your continued fruitfulness. From one who who is mid forty and journeying in faith I share many of your aliveness to social justice to include credible roles for non-ordained within our Church, supporting much needed structural reforms that have contributed to clerical sexual abuse and societal abuses, feeding the hungry around the world when we have the resources to do so etc. While being fortunate to have come to know and love some of the Augustinian community over the last three years I too sense a reluctance to really engage with the hard stuff...I reckon it echos my own concerns about really engaging and what this would demand of all of us. Being human and frail at that one must take heart from the same pentecostal spirit that is open to all of us and be prepared to risk it. I pray that our Augustinians colleagues in this Chapter will realise that 'now is all we have and now is more than enough' and be able to open their minds and hearts anew to take up the challenges before us in Ireland within the world at this time. Deus Caritus Est.

  2. The youth participation in our church is like a secret society closed and cherry picked by the priests.
    An authentic youth group seeks to learn more about the faith and bring it to others, working with the priests of the parish.
    We do not get the impression that our youth group are excited about their faith with a wish to pass that on. it appears like a selected social gathering.
