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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Reception Ceremony - Congratulations Turlough

The official entry of a candidate into the Augustinian Order is marked by a ceremony called Reception in which the candidate is admitted to the Novitiate (a one year programme dedicated to prayer, spirituality and discernment). During the Novitiate the Novice will wear a white habit. The traditional Augustinian habit is black but in times gone by the friars wore white habits while in their monasteries and placed a black habit over the white one when they went outside the cloister. Novices, who remain in the novitiate during the year, wear a white habit which is an outward sign of their dedication to this strictly observed period of their formation during which they must remain in the novitiate which lasts for one year and one day (they can of course leave the building).

Turlough, who came with us to Italy, has just been received into the novitiate which is being held in Racine, Wisconsin, USA. He will remain there for one year and if he is approved for first profession will then receive the black habit and proceed to further studies.
Congratulations Turlough and we all wish for you that you will be able to benefit from this opportunity to deepen your relationship with the Lord.
Here are some photos of the Reception Ceremony which show Turlough and the other three novices who have been received. I hope to have more news from Turlough shortly so watch this space...

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